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Friday, July 20, 2012

My end of week 2 update.

I am now on week 3 of my body transformation. I am so excited for the next 10 weeks to go by. And honestly, even though I don't feel like I have accomplished anything yet (I don't notice any physical change), I am still motivated. These 2 weeks have flown by.

Update on me so far: 3 weeks ago when I first called Terry for help, I weighed in at 183lbs.  This last Saturday I weighed in at 172lbs even. WOOP. That is just 2 weeks of eating right and hitting the gym.

My daily routine includes going to the gym when I am off work about 6 times a week. My trainer Terry has me on a pretty intense cardio plan on top of weight training. I am so glad that I used to do the stairmaster before I signed up with him, because if I didn't I would sure be dying now haha. By the way, if you do cardio, you should really consider switching to the stairmaster. It is such a better use of your time in the gym.

The past 2 days I have been feeling sluggish at the gym. I am really really having to push myself through my cardio. I don't know if it is the carb cut that is getting me, or that I am going to the gym at the end of my 8 hour work day? I am not skipping any meals, am never hungry, and I haven't been craving food either. I don't know what is up, I hope I get through this energy slump quick.

But hey! My diet changes next week. And I get a cheat meal on Saturday :)

I eat 6 times a day, small meals. AND I am proud to say that I haven't cheated once! Not one bite. I measure everything and stick to the plan 100%.

On my days off I don't worry about meal prepping unless I am going out. If we are going somewhere, I just take my meal in a tupperware to eat at the time I am supposed to. When I am going to work, I prep my meals every morning. Will and I do bulk cooking once a week. It really helps having everything ready to go cooked up in the fridge.

I have been eating so much chicken lately, you have to get creative with the flavoring. Some of my favorite seasonings to use are lemon pepper, liquid smoke, and garlic powder.

So here is what my day of food looks like (measuring and weighing everything is key):

Egg whites, Grape Fruit, Oatmeal

Chicken and Rice

Chicken and Broccoli

Ground Turkey with Bell Peppers and Asparagus

Chicken Salad

Almond Butter

I don't know why I didn't start this sooner. I have had all of the resources for sometime now, I just always put it off. I would say oh, I can do this alone. I go to the gym often and read tons of fitness articles, I will see results soon. It never happened.

If you have been wanting to change something, lose weight whatever it be, why are you waiting around? Start it today, ASAP. You won't regret it.  Reach out, get motivated, find help, just DO IT. Life is too short.
If you do start something, don't half do it. You need to go in 100% dedicated. You won't see results if you don't and the only one you are cheating is yourself. I don't know about you, but I have cheated myself way to often when it comes to food and weight loss.

 I am so excited for the next 10 weeks, and after that.

And how I said I don't notice any changes yet, I should try to keep this in mind!

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!!! Keep at it girl! I'm so happy for you and I'm going to be jealous of you by the time you get back haha. You should send me some of those meals you've been eating, might help me out some! By the way "just do it" is already taken I think :P
